Need Stress Relief? Declutter Your Space. I had read about how decluttering can decrease chaos not only physically but emotionally. I just moved to a new location, and in the process of the move and downsizing, I found that my new place is not organized yet, and this disorder made me feel stressed. I decided…
Tag: #kathieyvwriter
The Joy-Finding Joy in The Journey Even in the Painful Times
As you know, I have written two books. I started writing when my ex walked out after a 37-year marriage. I was devastated and completely lost in my newfound reality. My first book is all about the initial pain and confusion. My second book is filled with logistics on how to proceed through the divorce…
Quotes-A Thought Provoking Quote by Dr. Seuss
Even in life’s painful moments, remember to look for all the good that surrounds you. “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” Dr. Seuss I remember this evening so well. A chance to hold my grandchildren. Even in the confusion of life, my heart was full of…
Journal Prompts-Tell Your Story Through Journaling-What was Your Career Goal as a Child? How Was Your Reality Different?
Tell Your Story Through Journaling Journaling, I have found to be an invaluable tool. Journaling is not only a way to relieve stress and help us process things it is also a way to tell our story. My career goal as a child was pure, idealistic, and full of hope. I recall so clearly my…
Stress Relief and Self Care-The Initial Plan
I started a series several years ago called Stress Relief and Self-Care. I want to include self-care in this series because in taking care of ourselves, I believe that we can decrease our stress, at least for a moment. There are many times in our lives that we need stress relief. Divorce ranks high on…
Travel-Get Out And Explore New Places-Gamers Geekery & Tavern in Cary NC
Travel: Get out and enjoy new places! Gamers Geekery & Tavern in Cary, NC I am always looking for fun and unique places to visit. Last week, while searching for things to do, I came across Gamers Geekery & Tavern in Cary, NC. Rocky and I took off a Saturday to check this place…
Monthly Motivation-Be Still and Know-Trust
Be still and know that God walks beside you. As I think about the words contained in this scripture, the word “trust” comes to mind. Trust that no matter our circumstances God is in control. When I quote this scripture, I realize that I need to be still and relax, knowing that God will…
Tell Your Story Through Journaling. Journal Prompt…What Song Has Given You Strength in a Difficult Time?
Tell Your Story Through Journaling Journal Prompt… Music has been my source of hope and strength for as long as I can remember. As a child, I remember singing along with the Hermans Hermits and The Monkeys for hours. As I entered my teen years, I loved rock music and listened to it every chance…
Joy-Finding Joy Even In Difficult Times.
Joy is relative. I may find joy in something that does not bring you joy, and you may find joy in something that does not bring me joy. That being said, we can find some joy in all phases of our lives. During the most difficult and joyless time of my life, when my husband…
Quotes-A Quote by the Dalai Lama on Inner Peace
A Quote by the Dalai Lama… “Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” Dalai Lama Another way to phrase this is not to let someone else steal our peace of mind. We have all been in situations where words have been spoken, or actions have been taken against us. We…