I started a series several years ago called Stress Relief and Self-Care. I want to include self-care in this series because in taking care of ourselves, I believe that we can decrease our stress, at least for a moment. There are many times in our lives that we need stress relief. Divorce ranks high on…
Tag: #kathieyvwriter

Travel-Get Out And Explore New Places-Gamers Geekery & Tavern in Cary NC
Travel: Get out and enjoy new places! Gamers Geekery & Tavern in Cary, NC I am always looking for fun and unique places to visit. Last week, while searching for things to do, I came across Gamers Geekery & Tavern in Cary, NC. Rocky and I took off a Saturday to check this place…

Monthly Motivation-Be Still and Know-Trust
Be still and know that God walks beside you. As I think about the words contained in this scripture, the word “trust” comes to mind. Trust that no matter our circumstances God is in control. When I quote this scripture, I realize that I need to be still and relax, knowing that God will…

Quotes-A Quote by the Dalai Lama on Inner Peace
A Quote by the Dalai Lama… “Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” Dalai Lama Another way to phrase this is not to let someone else steal our peace of mind. We have all been in situations where words have been spoken, or actions have been taken against us. We…

Monthly Motivation-Memories
Memories “Something remembered from the past, a recollection.” I remember reading a book titled, “Before I Go to Sleep” by S. J. Watson. As I am reading, I am always looking for quotes that touch an emotional chord in me. The storyline of the book is centered around a woman who has lost her memory….

Thinking of You This Christmas Day-A Christmas Wish For You!
I pray you have a peaceful Christmas Day. Regardless of the situations you find yourself in, take a deep breath. Remember you are not alone, and remember that God loves you and you are precious to him. Always remember you are not alone because God promised he will never leave us or forsake us….

Quote-Because God Loves Me I Can Sing-Kathiey V. (Book Update)
My second book comes out in January. I have put together 30 days of prayers as a free gift for those who receive my book. It is called My Story My Divorce God’s Promise- Journey. This book follows my first book My Story My Divorce God’s Promise-The Beginning. Because God Loves Me, I Can Sing There…

Monthly Movtivation-You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important” The Help
Monthly Motivation for June of 2023. I had recently finished the book “The Help” When I found out there was a movie, I could not wait to see it. There were many times in the movie I found myself angry at the injustice and other times touched by the tenderness. The love in the…

Quote of the Month by Carlos Santana on Joy and Healing
I love this quote by Carlos Santana on healing and joy. I agree that no matter how much you have been hurt, you can heal if you hold onto joy. It may take an effort, but the joy that is deep in your heart will slowly heal any wounds. God Bless! KathieyV

Summer Checklist with A Few August Holidays
I love to plan. One thing I like is planning seasonal checklists. I have made a Summer Check List with a list of things to do in the summer months and a few daily holidays. The checklist remains the same for the summer months, but several August Holidays have been added. Happy Summer,…