A Quote by the Dalai Lama… “Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” Dalai Lama Another way to phrase this is not to let someone else steal our peace of mind. We have all been in situations where words have been spoken, or actions have been taken against us. We…
Tag: #inspirationalquotes
Quotes-A Quote By Jeff McClung-Don’t Let Fear Put a Damper on Your Life
I found this quote online and connected with it right away. It is very easy to run away from life when you are faced with something, not of your choosing. It could be disease, death, or a million other things, but in my case, it was an unwanted, unnecessary divorce. It is so easy to…
Inspirational Quote-Don’t Wait For Opportunities, Get Up and Make Them
I love this quote by Madam C J Walker, and it is so appropriate not only to those of us going through a divorce but for anyone. In the case of divorce, your life is upended, and you don’t know where to turn or what to do. Many of us feel we should hide away…
Inspirational Quotes-Helping Others by Sally Koch
I love the thought of being able to help others. I have found in my lifetime that there are many organizations you can get involved with that reach out to help those in need. Organizations often need you to be physically present, and at other times, they need donations to assist those in need. All…
Weekly Words-Words of Inspiration by Carl Jung
Each week I hope to share a quote with you. Some will be inspirational, some heartfelt, some deep, but all will give you something to think about. All of us will experience trauma on some level in our lives. It may be physical, emotional, or both, but either way, we can come out on the other…
Morning Motivation-When God Closes a Door He Opens a Window
I came across a quote the other day that I have always liked. When God closes a door, he opens a window. Someone added to that quote which made it become even more clear… “When God closes a door, he opens a window, but it’s up to you to find it.” Jeannette Walls…
Inspirational Quote of the Week
Quote of the Week I hope you have a wonderful week. God Bless You! KathieyV
Monthly Quote Look For Something Wonderful
I am going to try to do just that! KathieyV