Inspirational Quote by Eleanor Roosevelt. I enjoy Eleanor Roosevelt’s many beautiful quotes. This one is so simple but completely accurate. When we doubt ourselves and don’t push on in what we know we should be doing, we fail ourselves and others. I have written two books, and I am slowly working on the third….
Tag: #divorcerecovery
Quotes-“Be Brave Enough to be Bad at Something New”
Inspirational Quote… Whether you find yourself on a steady path or in a difficult life situation, you may need to be brave enough to try something new. You may be afraid that you will not be adequately prepared for this new adventure, but that should not hold us back because it is ok to try…
Stress Relief and Self Care-Need Stress Relief? Try Spending Some Time in The Sun!
Stress levels can directly affect our physical, emotional, and mental health. Divorce is listed as one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. Having experienced the pain and stress of divorce, I decided to look for ways to decrease the effects of stress in my life. Here is one suggested way. Enjoy some…
The Joy-Finding Joy in The Journey Even in the Painful Times
As you know, I have written two books. I started writing when my ex walked out after a 37-year marriage. I was devastated and completely lost in my newfound reality. My first book is all about the initial pain and confusion. My second book is filled with logistics on how to proceed through the divorce…
Journal Prompts-Tell Your Story Through Journaling-What was Your Career Goal as a Child? How Was Your Reality Different?
Tell Your Story Through Journaling Journaling, I have found to be an invaluable tool. Journaling is not only a way to relieve stress and help us process things it is also a way to tell our story. My career goal as a child was pure, idealistic, and full of hope. I recall so clearly my…
Tell Your Story Through Journaling-Journal Prompt- Write About A Dream You Remember and How That Dream Made You Feel.
I have lived long enough to have had thousands of dreams. I have had my share of nightmares and also my share of fun and memorable dreams. I can remember themes in my dreams that recur, such as being in a play with hundreds of people in attendance, and I forget my lines, and I…
Quotes-A Quote by the Dalai Lama on Inner Peace
A Quote by the Dalai Lama… “Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” Dalai Lama Another way to phrase this is not to let someone else steal our peace of mind. We have all been in situations where words have been spoken, or actions have been taken against us. We…
Monthly Motivation-Memories
Memories “Something remembered from the past, a recollection.” I remember reading a book titled, “Before I Go to Sleep” by S. J. Watson. As I am reading, I am always looking for quotes that touch an emotional chord in me. The storyline of the book is centered around a woman who has lost her memory….
Journal Prompt #2- Tell Your Story Through Journaling-Share the Most Heartfelt Letter or Email You Have Ever Written
Journal Prompt-Tell Your Story… Probably the most heartfelt letter I have ever written was the letter I wrote my husband who was in the process of leaving me after a 37-year-long marriage. There was no warning, I found out his plans through a third party. I was in shock and desperate to find a way…
Quotes-A Quote By Jeff McClung-Don’t Let Fear Put a Damper on Your Life
I found this quote online and connected with it right away. It is very easy to run away from life when you are faced with something, not of your choosing. It could be disease, death, or a million other things, but in my case, it was an unwanted, unnecessary divorce. It is so easy to…