A Quote by the Dalai Lama…
“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.”
Dalai Lama
Another way to phrase this is not to let someone else steal our peace of mind.
We have all been in situations where words have been spoken, or actions have been taken against us. We have all walked away from an event or a confrontation that has rattled us to the point that it is difficult to move on without it bothering us in some way. Sometimes, this may be so disturbing that we dwell on the occurrence, unable to move past what has cast a shadow on our peace of mind.
Ways to regain our peace of mind…our inner peace…
*Try to get perspective on the trigger that caused your emotion.
*Try to identify the emotion you are feeling. Is it hurt, anger, resentment, or something else?
*Acknowledge your emotions and attempt to understand why you feel like you do.
*Try to stop your mind from obsessing over the situation and focus your mind on something positive.
*Avoid the situation or person that hurt you if you can.
*Attempt to live in the present not dwelling on the past. Although, we should learn from the past.
*Stop kicking yourself about the situation. If it was not your fault, don’t blame yourself. If you are partially to blame, accept the responsibility for your actions.
*Learn from the experience, and do not seek revenge. (If it was something that happened where you now need legal help, I would seek justice).
*Move on by releasing your pain and your hurt.
*Focus on all the positive things in life.
God Bless You On Your Journey!