Happy Wine Wednesday, Everyone.
How long does an open bottle of wine remain drinkable?
Today we will take a brief look at how long your wine remains drinkable after opening. This is just a general overview because the answer has a lot to do with what type of wine you are drinking and what you do with your bottle after opening.
The general consensus is that it can last 3-5 days after opening. Remember that the enemy of your opened bottle of wine is oxygen, so you want to decrease the wine’s exposure as much as possible if you plan to keep leftover wine.
One helpful hint I found on several sites is to re-cork your bottle between pours. This re-corking limits the wine’s exposure to oxygen.
Here is a helpful chart I found on Wine Folly. This gives you a general overview of how long wines last after opening. Again, remember, it depends on the type of wine that you are saving.
Here is a helpful chart from Wine Folly
I have never bought a Bag-in-a-box of wine, but looking at the chart above, I may have to give it a try:-)
Happy Wine Sipping Everyone!