If you are like me, you love Pinterest. I have many boards and tons of saved ideas. I was thinking I wanted to use recipes and other tips and techniques I have saved on Pinterest. I know I will never use all the posts at my fingertips unless I have a plan. I thought, why not make a Pinterest Plan. It will vary from month to month. I know I won’t always accomplish my goals, and if I don’t, I can move it forward to the next plan or just make an entirely different plan. I have chosen five items for my Pinterest Plan so let’s get started.
1-Fashion to Replicate- This outfit is by Just Amazing Girl. This one I think I can easily come close to copying. Happy Day
2- How to Keep a Clean Home-Everytime I follow one of these charts I pick one or two options to adapt into my routine. I have developed routines from posts like this. I now do a load of laundry daily and fold and put away a load daily. I make my bed every day. For this goal from Beauty With Lily, I think I will focus on her monthly plan.
3-How to Use GoodReads– I am on GoodReads almost daily. I have the typical saved TBR and Read books but I am sure there is much I am unaware of so I will be excited to take a look at this article.
4-Home Decor-I am going to duplicate this coffee table style. I am going to search the house to see if I have the items to do this without making a purchase. How to Get Great Coffee Table Style.
5-Food– Let’s try a nice soup to have on a chilly winter evening. I found this lovely Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup that looks delicious.
Happy Pinning Everyone!