God’s Light Cuts Through Our Darkness “Light can be seen even in the darkness. The light from the stars on a very dark night. The light from a lighthouse in the midnight hours. The light from a candle in a darkened room. The light from a fireplace on a cold winter evening. And,…
Tag: #monthlymotivation
Monthly Motivation From Psalms-I Will Sing in the Shadow of Your Wings
Because of you, God, I will sing in the shadow of your wings! Thank you, Lord, for the shadow of your wings. Thank you that I find protection, fatherly encouragement, direction for my path, and your endless, unfailing love that can be found in the shadow of your wings. Thank you because you uphold…
Monthly Motivation-Be Still and Know-Trust
Be still and know that God walks beside you. As I think about the words contained in this scripture, the word “trust” comes to mind. Trust that no matter our circumstances God is in control. When I quote this scripture, I realize that I need to be still and relax, knowing that God will…
Monthly Motivation-Life’s Layers, Tasting the Good and the Bad
I have been reading a unique book, The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake, by Aimee Bender. The premise of the book was fascinating. The main character in this book has a gift. Her gift is the ability to taste feelings and emotions in the food that someone prepares for her. She can taste joy, betrayal,…
Monthly Motivation-Memories
Memories “Something remembered from the past, a recollection.” I remember reading a book titled, “Before I Go to Sleep” by S. J. Watson. As I am reading, I am always looking for quotes that touch an emotional chord in me. The storyline of the book is centered around a woman who has lost her memory….
Monthly Motivation-Disconnection and God’s Promise
The last 2 sermons I have listened to have touched on the fact that many of us feel disconnected. Just what is the definition of disconnected? Disconnected: Having a connection broken. To feel separated, separated, divorced, cut off. I am sure there are many life events that leave us feeling cut off or…
Monthly Motivation-Sorrow Into Dancing Psalm 30:11
I read a book several years ago called “Small Island” by Andrea Levy.” There is a quote that I came across in the reading that touched me. “He looked so pained that I dreamed of taking his hands and making him dance.” Her statement is directed toward someone not particularly nice; he is a…
Monthly Motivation-He Directs Our Path
Monthly Motivation He Directs Our Path It was spring break for my grandson Caleb. We decided to go to a museum every day for three days. The first museum had a special exhibit that contained challenging mazes and puzzles. I know I am not the best at making my way through mazes, but we decided…
Monthly Motivation-The Carrot, The Egg, and the Coffee
I found this short story on a site called Spiritual Short Stories. The title of the story and the author are unknown. As I read the story, I thought of myself and the many others who have experienced pain and despair. The Story A young woman went to her grandmother and told her about her life and…
Monthly Motivation-Choose Your Path
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go,” Joshua 1:9 Sometimes where we find ourselves is not the most pleasant of places. Sometimes we did not decide to be in this place, but it…