I chose this verse for New Year’s Day because it speaks of “future” and “hope.” Not only a future and a hope but a blessing wherein God says he plans to prosper and not harm us. Happy Day! Life is going to be a piece of cake from now on. I will have a ton…
Tag: #faith

Monthly Motivation-May Your Faith Be Stronger Than Your Fear
Monthly Motivation Sometimes, fear does get in our heads and in our way. The fear of failure, the fear of the unknown, and the doubt that we are incapable of success may block our progress. We will miss many opportunities if we listen to that negative voice. What does God say? “Have I not commanded…

Monthly Motivation-God’s Light Can Cut Through Our Darkness
God’s Light Cuts Through Our Darkness “Light can be seen even in the darkness. The light from the stars on a very dark night. The light from a lighthouse in the midnight hours. The light from a candle in a darkened room. The light from a fireplace on a cold winter evening. And,…

Monthly Motivation-Prayer-How Do You React When God Says “No”?
Does God answer all of our prayers? I think he does, but we may not always get the answer we want. I believe sometimes He says “yes” to our request, sometimes “no,” and at other times, the answer may be “not today.” I like this quote by CS Lewis… “We are not necessarily doubting that…

Monthly Motivation From Psalms-I Will Sing in the Shadow of Your Wings
Because of you, God, I will sing in the shadow of your wings! Thank you, Lord, for the shadow of your wings. Thank you that I find protection, fatherly encouragement, direction for my path, and your endless, unfailing love that can be found in the shadow of your wings. Thank you because you uphold…

Monthly Motivation-Be Still and Know-Trust
Be still and know that God walks beside you. As I think about the words contained in this scripture, the word “trust” comes to mind. Trust that no matter our circumstances God is in control. When I quote this scripture, I realize that I need to be still and relax, knowing that God will…

Monthly Motivation-Life’s Layers, Tasting the Good and the Bad
I have been reading a unique book, The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake, by Aimee Bender. The premise of the book was fascinating. The main character in this book has a gift. Her gift is the ability to taste feelings and emotions in the food that someone prepares for her. She can taste joy, betrayal,…

Monthly Motivation-Memories
Memories “Something remembered from the past, a recollection.” I remember reading a book titled, “Before I Go to Sleep” by S. J. Watson. As I am reading, I am always looking for quotes that touch an emotional chord in me. The storyline of the book is centered around a woman who has lost her memory….

Monthly Motivation-Disconnection and God’s Promise
The last 2 sermons I have listened to have touched on the fact that many of us feel disconnected. Just what is the definition of disconnected? Disconnected: Having a connection broken. To feel separated, separated, divorced, cut off. I am sure there are many life events that leave us feeling cut off or…

Monthly Motivation-Sorrow Into Dancing Psalm 30:11
I read a book several years ago called “Small Island” by Andrea Levy.” There is a quote that I came across in the reading that touched me. “He looked so pained that I dreamed of taking his hands and making him dance.” Her statement is directed toward someone not particularly nice; he is a…