I do love flowers. I have spent much time at Garden Centers and Parks taking photos of flowers. I find it very relaxing to immerse myself in the environment of the flower gardens. I think I found peace among the beautiful plants, and in that, some of the stress in my life was relieved. …
Tag: #divorce
Stress Relief and Self Care. Need Stress Relief? Try Decluttering Your Space.
Need Stress Relief? Declutter Your Space. I had read about how decluttering can decrease chaos not only physically but emotionally. I just moved to a new location, and in the process of the move and downsizing, I found that my new place is not organized yet, and this disorder made me feel stressed. I decided…
Monthly Motivation-Life’s Layers, Tasting the Good and the Bad
I have been reading a unique book, The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake, by Aimee Bender. The premise of the book was fascinating. The main character in this book has a gift. Her gift is the ability to taste feelings and emotions in the food that someone prepares for her. She can taste joy, betrayal,…
A Quote of Truth-Think Before You Judge. Victim vs Abuser
How many times have you heard someone going off about someone in a negative way? In your mind, you may be thinking, “Wait a minute, that can’t be right.” Or maybe you are listening to an ex-spouse saying how crazy his ex is, and you are taking it in at face value as fact. I…
Weekly Words-Words of Inspiration by Carl Jung
Each week I hope to share a quote with you. Some will be inspirational, some heartfelt, some deep, but all will give you something to think about. All of us will experience trauma on some level in our lives. It may be physical, emotional, or both, but either way, we can come out on the other…