I have not always felt safe. For me, safety came in the form of places, people, situations, and circumstances. My childhood home was, for the most part, physically safe but not an emotional safe haven. My married life was much of the same. When my husband left me, I found myself alone in a big…
Tag: #kathieyvwriter

Monthly Quote Look For Something Wonderful
I am going to try to do just that! KathieyV

Stress Relief And Self-Care, Part 4-Feeling Stressed? Try Chewing Gum!
Chewing Gum for Stress Relief I remember chewing gum as a kid. I also remember that kids chewing gum made teachers and parents mad. I would pop my gum, and my brothers would get mad at me. I would chew gum in class, and my teachers would get mad at me. I would find gum under…